Wind Turbine

60,00 €
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A great find by Tom and Jo Hynes in their garden "Higher Cherubeer" (near Dolton, Devon, UK; c. 2010) and a great name for this early flowering plicate form especially when seen from above with the huge paddle shaped outer petals splayed wide, often with a slight twist so that they lose some of their symmetry. They have a green marking at the base, and sometimes another at the tip of the outer petals. The inners show a strongly arched apical mark as well as a less defined basal smudge. Alongside other cultivars, however, the eye detects something odd and when the flowers are up-turned where the area of the non-white is at its most intense on the inner face of the inner segments, the viewer is usually forced to admit that the colour is in fact pale pink. Early flowering, at around the same time as G. elwesii ‘Godfrey Owen’. Early. Sensitive to deep long frost.